Noticias occidente asturias el comercio

El comercio asturias

Marcos Granda, the Asturian with five Michelin stars: “I live in a world of chefs but I am a simple waiter” The businessman from Sotrondino is part of the summit of haute cuisine and explains the keys to his professional success.

Pollution alert activated in Oviedo The capital has three consecutive days with high levels, further enhanced by the weather situation. For the moment, no traffic restrictions have been established

The delay of the pedestrianization of the Wall in traffic is just two minutes Martín considers that the study that analyzes the mobility in the area shows that it is a “reasonable” test that can be consolidated

The Minister of Territorial Policy and Government spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez, and the Minister for Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, at the press conference after the meeting of the Council of Ministers.

The socialist wing of the Government leaves in the hands of Felipe VI the return of the emeritus Podemos affirms that the decision of the Swiss prosecutor to shelve the investigation against Juan Carlos I “does not change anything”.

The new spain

Program for empowerment in employment aimed at women residing in the municipality of Madrid who are thinking about looking for a job, are looking for a job, want to improve their employment situation or want to become entrepreneurs.

“How do you tell a father that his wife and daughter have just been killed. How do you tell a grandmother that her daughter and granddaughter have been murdered”, is how one of the testimonies of one of the victims who gave voice in the Senate to the silent voices of gender violence, which we were able to hear at the V Conference of the Scholarship Fund, began.

The obituary trade

An arrhythmia is a problem related to the rate or rhythm of the heartbeat. During an arrhythmia, the heart may beat too fast (tachycardia), too slow (bradycardia) or with an irregular rhythm.

Ventricular arrhythmias begin in the lower chambers of the heart. They can be very dangerous and usually require immediate medical attention, details the U.S. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute on its website.

“I believe not at this time, because he had a cardiac ablation that was successful and he did not have arrhythmias again. We are calm in this regard and he is not taking any medication,” reported the physician, who clarified that ventricular arrhythmia is not something rare and that many people have this type of pathology.

Our goal is to create a safe and attractive place for users to make connections based on their interests and passions. In order to improve the experience of our community, we have temporarily suspended comments on articles.

News from asturias

Research at the Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel) has shown that inhaling hexadecanal reduces aggression in males but triggers aggression in females. Hexadecanal is one of the most abundant substances emitted by babies, and may be an evolutionary survival mechanism to induce mothers to defend the baby and fathers not to attack it.

James Howells accidentally threw away the hard drive containing the cryptocurrency when cleaning his office in 2013, he lost £340 million in Bitcoin. He has hired data experts from NASA to find his fortune, despite being stonewalled by council bosses. Ontrack was once hired by NASA to recover the hard drive of the space shuttle Columbia after it crashed to Earth in 2003. The Minneapolis-based company was able to recover 99% of the data, despite the hard drive being encased in a hard drive.

The appropriation of great names of artists, philosophers and writers by this misogynist community hits the ceiling with the “Incels Wiki”. What is behind their intentions? If a group has become capable of killing innocent people in cold blood or perpetrating terrorist attacks, all for the excuse that its members do not feel reciprocated by women and seek revenge, historical figures should not be used to try to justify the moral and intellectual misery that represents the ‘incel’ culture in our days.