Ideal noticias de granada y provincia

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An exceptional portrait, but also disturbing, of three centuries of barbaric Inquisition in Granada with the signature of Gabriel Pozo Felguera, with little known passages and curiosities of an infamous time by the master of Journalism.

This is the terrible story of Pablo Beltrán Reina, ‘Paulino’, offered to us by Manuel Izquierdo Rodríguez, with the shocking testimony of one of his five sons, who for his leftist ideas and social commitment was shot by the Francoists, like so many others. In his memory. So that it will never be forgotten, so that it will never be repeated.

The secretary general of the PCE vindicates the history of his party to emphasize that “it is seated in the present and thinking about the future, in the expansion of the space represented by Unidas Podemos and in the project that Yolanda Díaz is going to lead”.

Carmen Calvo: “Neo-machism is advancing by leaps and bounds and democracy is at stake with women’s rights” – The president of the Equality Commission of the Congress of Deputies affirms that the issues related to the management of women’s own bodies, such as maternity, voluntary interruption of pregnancy, prostitution or surrogate wombs “are wide open”.


An exceptional portrait, but also disturbing, of three centuries of barbaric Inquisition in Granada with the signature of Gabriel Pozo Felguera, with little known passages and curiosities of an infamous time by the master of Journalism.

This is the terrible story of Pablo Beltrán Reina, ‘Paulino’, offered to us by Manuel Izquierdo Rodríguez, with the shocking testimony of one of his five sons, who for his leftist ideas and social commitment was shot by the Francoists, like so many others. In his memory. So that it will never be forgotten, so that it will never be repeated.

The secretary general of the PCE vindicates the history of his party to emphasize that “it is settled in the present and thinking about the future, in the expansion of the space represented by Unidas Podemos and in the project that Yolanda Díaz is going to lead”.

The president of the Equality Commission of the Congress of Deputies affirms that the issues related to the management of women’s own bodies, such as maternity, voluntary interruption of pregnancy, prostitution or surrogacy “are open to discussion”.

1:32now granada – #coronavirus | reported in sierra nevada facebook –

The mayor of Pinos Puente, Francisco José García (IU) announced Friday the call for a lockdown in the Municipal Pavilion, on the night of December 28 to 29, to protest the power outages in this municipality in the metropolitan area of Granada.

The Granada City Council has inaugurated this Friday in the Federico García Lorca Park a sculpture in tribute to the writer Mariluz Escribano, who died in 2019, and of whom the mayor, Francisco Cuenca, has highlighted her role as a “woman committed to teaching and university knowledge”.

The Local Government Board of the Granada City Council has approved a project to convert almost 200,000 square meters of land adjacent to the Vega granadina in new parks and green spaces in the city in order to present it to the European funds for economic recovery Next Generation.

The Andalusian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FAMP) has participated along with the group of experts from the University of Granada and the Delegation of Environment and Animal Protection of the Provincial Council of Granada in a meeting of the project ‘Color Circle’ held last Thursday telematically.

granada hoy en español

The best images of Cadiz-Granada The images of the provincial congress of the PSOE of Granada The Covirán-Estudiantes. in images Find yourself in the stands in the victory of Covirán against Estudiantes Images of the place of the macho crime in Granada

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