La vanguardia la contra de hoy

the cultural vanguard

After being the first Western country to suffer the closures – and tens of thousands of deaths – of the pandemic, Italy has regained its self-esteem. Televisions have gone from broadcasting the…

Dra-ghi’s reforms will soon be on the political back burner. The betting dance is already beginning for the mother of all battles in Italy: the election in January of the next head of state, the…

Before many people break out in a cold sweat, it must be clearly stated that no, it is not inevitable that Donald Trump will win the November 2024 presidential election in the first place, and that…

Nobody knows how to put a date to the estrangement, confrontation or who knows, rupture, between the president of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and the national leadership of the PP, more than with Pablo Casado. They were…

On principle, anything that is not measured does not interest me. It is a way of discriminating. From here, the question: What would happen if Isabel Díaz Ayuso were the candidate for the presidency of the…

the cutting-edge economy

The postponement of the meeting gave the organizers more time to prepare, among many other details, the facilities of the SEC Center, where many of the meetings of this international conference are held.

The most significant of these occurred on Monday, November 1, when the SEC Center’s security services blocked the entrance of Israel’s Minister of Infrastructure, Energy and Water, Karine Elharrar, to the premises.

The Israeli delegate was unable to participate in the first day of sessions at the Climate Summit not because of serious security problems but simply because she uses a wheelchair and access to the SEC Center’s main hall is not adapted for people with special mobility needs.

“This is outrageous behavior and should not have happened. I came with certain goals and I could not achieve them today,” the minister, who had to return to her hotel in Edinburgh without participating in the summit, told Israeli media accredited to the event.

the international avant-garde

Paris Hilton and Carter Reum are now husband and wife. The heiress of the hotel empire and deejay gave this Thursday the “yes, I do” to her partner in a wedding held at the mansion of his grandfather Barron Hilton in Bel-Air (Los Angeles) that will last for three days. Undoubtedly, one of the most special days of her life in which the celebrity has left speechless with her amazing wedding dress.

In the viral image Paris appears with a spectacular strapless dress, perkins neckline and long sleeves, which has an embroidered overdress with floral motifs that bring the romantic touch to her look, which she completes with a silk tulle veil that covers her sophisticated half updo with loose strands.

As for her beauty look, Paris opted for a makeup with her eyes in the spotlight, with blurred eye shadows in brown tones and nude lips. She also resorted to the classic French manicure to focus attention on her spectacular engagement ring, matched with diamond earrings.

el país

Voy a cumplir 73 años. Nací en Olesa de Montserrat y vivo en Barcelona. Estoy divorciada, tengo 6 hijos y 7 nietos. No estudié, pertenezco a esa generación de mujeres preparadas para ser buenas amas de casa. La igualdad y la tolerancia es mi credo. Soy de izquierdas. Fui católica practicante. Hoy creo más en las personas que en aquello que no puedo ver.

De mis padres. Era un hogar sencillo, pero aún comíamos judías verdes al dente. Antes de abrir la tienda de comestibles, trabajaban en fábricas textiles, así que se repartían entre ellos las tareas de la casa y la atención que yo necesitaba.

Muy rápidamente. Cuando tenía siete años, dos de mis hermanos murieron en muy poco tiempo: uno nada más nacer y el otro a los cuatro años. Fue muy doloroso. Me convertí en una niña triste y reflexiva.

En los años 50 mis padres decidieron trasladarse a Barcelona para que sus hijos -porque en ese momento habían nacido dos más y llegaría otro- tuvieran más oportunidades, y así fue. Para mi padre y para mí, que trabajábamos para sacarlos adelante, nos costó adaptarnos y nos costó salir adelante.