Consejería de educacion de canarias

Consejería de educación canarias telephone

Extract from the Order of December 2, 2021, approving the expenditure and calling, in advance for the fiscal year 2022, the subsidies intended to support sportsmen and women for sports results.

Extract from the Order of December 1, 2021, which approves the expenditure and calls, in advance for the year 2022, the subsidies intended to support Canary Islands sports clubs that dispute absolute categories of national and European level of the different sports modalities.

Resolution of the Directorate General of Management, Innovation and Quality, which publishes the provisional list of participating centers in the innovation project “ICT Assistants” promoted by the Canarian Yrichen Foundation for the 2021-2022 academic year. Period of raclamations: five working days from the day following the publication of this resolution.

Gobierno de canarias en español

Extract from the Order of December 2, 2021, approving the expenditure and calling, in advance for the year 2022, the grants to support athletes for sports results.

Extract from the Order of December 1, 2021, which approves the expenditure and calls, in advance for the year 2022, the subsidies intended to support Canary Islands sports clubs that dispute absolute categories of national and European level of the different sports modalities.

Resolution of the Directorate General of Management, Innovation and Quality, which publishes the provisional list of participating centers in the innovation project “ICT Assistants” promoted by the Canarian Yrichen Foundation for the 2021-2022 academic year. Period of raclamations: five working days from the day following the publication of this resolution.

Consejería de educación canaria

C/ Pérez Galdós, 4. Edif. Rodríguez Quegles 35071 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 928 307 259 Fax: 928 390 035 José Miguel Pérez García, Consejero María Cristina Rosas Rivas, Coordinadora de prensa en Gran Canaria Olivia González Pérez, Jefa de prensa

Avda. Buenos Aires, 5. Edif. Tres de Mayo – 6º planta 38071 Santa Cruz de Tenerife 922 592 771 – 922 592 500 Fax: 922 592 110 Internet: José Miguel Pérez García, Consejero Jorge Alonso Vila, Coordinador de Prensa en Tenerife Olivia González Pérez, Jefa de prensa

Avda. Buenos Aires, 5. Edif. Tres de Mayo – 5º planta 38071 Santa Cruz de Tenerife 922 592 771 – 922 592 500 Fax: 922 592 200 Internet: Correo Electrónico: [email protected] Manuela de Armas Rodríguez, Viceconsejera

Avda. Buenos Aires, 5. Edif. Tres de Mayo – 4º y 5ª planta 38071 Santa Cruz de Tenerife 922 592 771 – 922 592 500 Fax: 922 592 170 Internet: Correo Electrónico: [email protected] Georgina Molina Jorge, Directora General

Consejería de educacion canarias contact

The mobile app “APP Docente” is an application developed by the Regional Ministry of Education, Universities, Culture and Sports of the Government of the Canary Islands in order to provide non-university teachers of the Canary Islands with an access point to the services offered by the mobile channel.

This app aims to facilitate access to the administrative management of non-university teachers of the Regional Ministry of Education, Universities, Culture and Sports, as well as to establish direct communication between these teachers and their educational administration.

The first version offers access to the available tools and professional data of teachers and members of employment lists, facilitating communications to the interested party on data already available that can be received immediately through pop-up notifications.