La gaceta de intereconomia noticias

La gaceta de salamanca

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La Gaceta (nombre completo de La Gaceta de los Negocios) es un periódico perteneciente al Grupo Intereconomía, conservador y partidario del liberalismo de mercado.

El periódico perteneció al Grupo Negocios hasta que en agosto de 2009 fue comprado por el Grupo Intereconomía[3]. El 21 de octubre de 2009, el periódico fue relanzado a nivel nacional con el nombre de La Gaceta[4]. Tras la transacción también dejó su enfoque puramente empresarial, convirtiéndose en un periódico generalista[6]. Se agotó en su primer día, vendiendo 100.000 ejemplares[7].

Su sede central estaba en Madrid[4] y tenía sucursales en Barcelona, Bilbao, Valencia y Valladolid. Conservador y económicamente liberal, La Gaceta se posicionó como el principal representante del conservadurismo y el tradicionalismo español[8]. Adoptó posturas firmes contra el aborto y el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo y criticó duramente al gobierno socialista de 2004-2011.

Iberosfera rae

Something that the company insistently denied but that the passage of time ended up corroborating: the headquarters of the group abandoned its central offices -located then in the Paseo de la Castellana, one of the most emblematic and expensive arteries of Madrid-, the company began the implementation of very hard Employment Regulation Files, the paper edition of ‘La Gaceta’ was closed and the free-to-air broadcasts on DTT were put to an end.

At the same time, the main faces of Intereconomía left the channel, denouncing its president, Julio Ariza, for not paying the workers, and the companies of the group began to be intervened. First, the parent company ‘Intereconomía Corporación y Homo Videns’ entered bankruptcy proceedings. Then ‘Intereconomía Radio’, ‘Intereconomía Publicaciones’ and ‘Intereconomía TV’ joined the list. Finally, it came to light that Ariza himself was “unable to meet his current expenses”, entering also in “insolvency proceedings”, in addition to his problems with Justice and the high debt of the group with the Treasury. Without going any further, this week it was made public that Intereconomía owes the Treasury 17,676,823 euros.

La razón

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News from spain in abc hoy

La Gaceta’, the newspaper published by Intereconomía could have its hours numbered. This has been confirmed by the communication group itself to  In the hands of Intereconomía since 2009, the closure of ‘La Gaceta’ could be imminent. Management sources have recognized to this newspaper that it is very likely that the digital version of the newspaper (the printed version ceased publication in December 2013) will not see the light of day again. The decision is being taken at this time and it is expected that before Monday there will be a final decision.  However, the workers of the digital newspaper already take for granted its closure.

Something that the company insistently denied but that the passage of time ended up corroborating: the headquarters of the group abandoned its central offices -located then in the Paseo de la Castellana, one of the most emblematic and expensive arteries of Madrid-, the company began the implementation of very hard Employment Regulation Files, the paper edition of ‘La Gaceta’ was closed and the open broadcasts on DTT were ended.