La caixa online línea abierta
Bankia’s online portal for customers has a wide range of options to operate with your account. We show you how to log in with your details to enter your profile, so you can carry out any transaction without having to go to the branch in person.
Not so long ago, it seemed unthinkable to us to carry out banking transactions without going to the branch. Opening an account, making a transfer or even requesting a loan are tasks that we can now do easily through our cell phone or the Internet thanks to the online banking of entities such as Bankia.
The procedure to log in to Bankia Online from the mobile is identical. The difference is that, in addition to logging in from the mobile web version of the bank, you can also do all this procedure from the official app. Download the Android version from this link, and the iOS version from this link, and log in with your password just as you would on the web version.
la caixa english customer service
Similarly, customers who wish to speak to a CaixaBank advisor can go to one of the CaixaBank branches, but they will also have the option of being attended digitally. Through these channels, customers will be able to request information on products and services as well as help with any procedure.
In addition to Online Banking, customers can also operate digitally through the CaixaBankNow App, which facilitates banking operations through mobile devices. From this App, customers can carry out practically all banking procedures.
The online platform that CaixaBank offers its private and corporate customers is one of the most powerful. Through it, customers can not only manage and operate with their already contracted products but also contract new ones.
Through CaixaBank Online Banking, customers can operate securely from anywhere without having to go to a branch. However, it is important to remember the importance of extreme caution when operating digitally.
la caixa online for individuals
Adapted to digital environments, La Caixa has CaixaBankNow, the digital banking service where you can make all kinds of transactions online. Discover here the differences with La Caixa open line, how to access, the advantages and opinions of those who already enjoy it.
La Caixa’s línea abierta has been renamed CaixaBankNow. The change of name of the digital banking service is not only a commercial strategy, but a more complete and innovative platform to control personal finances.
CaixaBankNow is joined by other free applications from La Caixa. One of them serves as an alternative to the first one, while the others complement all the online products and services of this financial company:
Shopping with Caixabank Pay is possible at any merchant that accepts contactless payments. To do this, make sure that the mobile screen is on and do not remove the device until a “vip” sounds.
BrokerNow is defined as the new way to invest in the stock market through La Caixa. In addition to its intuitive nature, it is accurate, easy to use and secure. But what can you do with BrokerNow?
la caixa línea abierta login
Además, con la Vista Rápida podrá ver en una sola pantalla los últimos movimientos en su cuenta o en su tarjeta, sus últimas domiciliaciones y mensajes, así como acceder a las operaciones pendientes de firma.
Gestione su correspondencia del mismo modo que su correo electrónico. Puede clasificar y añadir comentarios personalizados a sus correos electrónicos, y marcarlos como leídos o no leídos. También puede recibir alertas y notificaciones de operaciones pendientes. Y además:
Puedes cambiar la cuenta de cobro, devolver una domiciliación ya pagada, fraccionar el pago de las compras con tarjeta de crédito y consultar el desglose de tus adeudos u órdenes de cancelación.
Puede reservar moneda extranjera, desde 300 euros hasta 3.000 euros, y elegir las denominaciones de los billetes que prefiera, para más de 30 monedas. Después de un plazo de 2 a 4 días, puede acudir a la sucursal que desee, o autorizar a otra persona para que vaya en su nombre.