Bajos de arguelles bares


Due to recent events, this area of Moncloa is quite affected due to the continuous police pressure, but it is still an area of great affluence among heavy metal and rock fans, with an atmosphere that stands out for being peaceful and friendly, although it is true that, on certain occasions, the noise, damage and dirt caused by those who come to this area of Madrid, have caused various inconveniences to the neighbors who live in the same streets where it is located, or in the adjoining ones.

arguelles basement

From La Ducha, Sergio, who is a waiter, assures that “life in the central corridor has not changed, no matter how much we have banned the botellones, there are always people talking, smoking, looking for cover, making friends…”. For him, it’s an immovable classic of the basses, just as the basses are an immovable classic of Madrid.

On the other hand, David, who works at Mamarrachos, believes that the star of the bar is the foosball table, darts and, of course, the “minis” and “chupitos”. In addition, customers and workers agree that the offer of the bars changes little; and in those that change, it does so cyclically and slightly.

Fernando, a former worker and now a customer, believes that the changes that have taken place have been mainly due to the crisis. Back at Moes, Teresa confirms that the price of the “chupitos” is almost the same: “They were about 50 pesetas (which would be about 60 cents and adding inflation and other changes in the economy would now be 1 euro in total). They also offered second-brand minis, sangria and so on; later, when he started working, the shots were removed and they started serving first-brand drinks, “more or less until 2011 when we went back to the beginning”.

botellones in spain

Due to recent events, this area of Moncloa is quite affected due to the continuous police pressure, but it is still an area of great affluence among heavy metal and rock fans, with an atmosphere that stands out for being peaceful and friendly, although it is true that, on certain occasions, the noise, damage and dirt caused by those who come to this area of Madrid, have caused various inconveniences to the neighbors who live in the same streets where it is located, or in the adjoining ones.

la movida madrileña

Es la zona estudiantil por excelencia de Madrid, donde se encuentran la mayoría de sus colegios mayores y residencias universitarias. Por ello, es fácil encontrar una gran variedad de ocio nocturno para los más jóvenes, bares y discotecas relajados que pinchan todo tipo de sonidos como EDM, rock, heavy metal, pop y música latina, ofreciendo buen rollo por doquier.

Si quieres empezar la noche relajándote mientras el sol se pone en los meses más cálidos, en la última planta del Hotel Exe Moncloa se encuentra la Terraza de Poniente, con espectaculares vistas a la Sierra de Guadarrama y una fantástica zona chill-out.

También podrá disfrutar de la puesta de sol en algunos de los lugares más especiales de Madrid: el famoso Templo de Debod, donde podrá cenar, y más tarde disfrutar de algo en cualquiera de los restaurantes de los alrededores, incluido el mexicano La Malquerida. Otros restaurantes de moda son Casa Mono, con su aspecto neoyorquino, Goiko Grill y sus deliciosas hamburguesas, Gastrobar Rosales y Punto Básico, que sirve cocina mediterránea.    Los amantes de la gastronomía deberían considerar empezar la noche dándose un capricho en El Club Allard, que cuenta con una estrella Michelin. Pero la forma favorita de los locales para empezar la noche es reunirse con los amigos para disfrutar de bebidas y tapas.