Frases celebres de amor y amistad

Famous phrase

In Frases de la Vida we have so far elaborated different compilations of love phrases (from romantic movies, especially for shy people, that reflect on eternal love, etc.), on the one hand, and friendship phrases, on the other. However, we want to clarify that these are two feelings that go hand in hand and that, mistakenly, we conceive separately more than we should. That is why, on this occasion, to honor the union that exists between both manifestations, we want to offer you a selection of love and friendship phrases that will surely comfort your soul.

When there is this simultaneity between love and friendship, the people involved in such a relationship can not only consider themselves lucky, but should be aware of their luck and work together to remain unwavering in the face of external difficulties. The love and friendship quotes below reflect on the blurred line between the two concepts. We are sure they will stir many feelings in you and make you think of people very special to you.

Phrases for special people of friendship

Selection of masterful and impacting thoughts about life, love, happiness, friendship, relationships between couples, jealousy and other feelings of human beings in real life.

Sometimes we find phrases about life and love anywhere, which shock and impress us by the truths they express in a few words, by their practicality and by being very real.

❀ True friends are those who do not forget the good times, those that distance cannot separate, those that the envious CANNOT turn against each other and those that evil cannot destroy. They are not plentiful, but if you have them take care of them….

Fake friendship phrases

Do you like to read friendship phrases and use them to dedicate to your best friends or girlfriends? Here are some of my favorite quotes about the family that we choose.Friendship Quotes of the Week

More in… Love quotesLife quotesPin “It is difficult to find good friends, and impossible to forget them. “Our friends are those people who are with us through thick and thin, are those who put themselves in our shoes if necessary, are our cheapest psychologists, share with us phrases with message with a smile and are always ready to support us in any nonsense that occurs to us. In life we should celebrate that kind of friends, those that we feel are our brothers and sisters, that we make part of our family and we don’t mind sharing the little or much we have with them. Very few friends in life get to transcend in such a way as to create that unbreakable bond, the one that will remain intact despite distance or other factors… Finding a best friend or several best friends who can be with us in every step of our lives is a blessing. Having quality friendships help us to feel more secure, to feel happier, this also helps us to have a balanced self-esteem…Friendship phrases

Short love and friendship phrases

I remember when my father passed away that my friends always gave me a great help because they were with me whenever I needed them and when I was sad or in a bad mood they were the ones who told me to go out with friends to a restaurant or a movie at the cinema to clear my head.

But this social network that became so popular and used by many people in the world made it more popular that instead of having contacts or users we have friends within our referrals or links that make our account grow.

But this does not mean that you have 500 friends because honestly you know it is impossible but if men or women you know in person or just like to read their news or news wall and share resources that you also think may be of interest.

Man’s best friend is the dog and what better to represent it with Snoopy and Charlie Brown a friendship that in the cartoons went beyond the screen and a good way to represent it with this virtual card.