Colegio maristas de champagnat en salamanca
colegio marista champagnat
Profesora María de Lourdes Santiago Carrasco, coordinadora del colegio marista “Instituto México de Toluca” y miembro de la fraternidad marista del Movimiento Champagnat de la ciudad de Toluca, México.
María de Lourdes Santiago Carrasco, Coordinadora de la escuela marista “Instituto México de Toluca” y miembro de la Fraternidad Marista del Movimiento Champagnat de la ciudad de Toluca, México.
La impresionante impronta cultural del sistema educativo de la Provincia de Brasil Norte se puso de manifiesto en la unión de la música, el teatro y la calidez en nuestra escuela secundaria marista de Natal.
maristas compostela
Make it easy for me to understand! This is the title of our APS dedicated to the objectives of sustainable development that we have carried out in the 2nd year of kindergarten. With the help of students from the Faculty of Communication and experts on issues related to the four goals worked on: Hunger 0, Responsible Production and Consumption, Health and Welfare and Quality Education; soon we will publish a podcast. Don’t miss it. #maristas #maristassalamanca #eco2social
The pequebasket begins and our students of 1st and 2nd Primary have finally been able to debut. A lot of nerves and illusion… And in the end, all happy to participate. #maristas #maristassalamanca #sports
The pequebasket begins and our students of 1st and 2nd Primary have finally been able to debut. A lot of nerves and illusion… And in the end, all happy to participate. #maristas #maristassalamanca #sports
Soon we begin to walk the path of Advent and we invite you to do so by focusing on the sense of listening. The Gospel invites us to listen to God’s surprises in our lives. Shall we listen together #maristaslistening #advent #maristas #maristassalamanca
maristas trabaja con nosotros
El Colegio Maristas Champagnat es un colegio de León. El Colegio Maristas Champagnat está situado cerca de la Miniresidencia para personas con discapacidad mental, y cerca del Centro Deportivo Socio Cultural Militar Santa Bárbara.
La Catedral de Santa María de Regla de León es un templo católico, sede episcopal de la diócesis de León, en el noroeste de España, consagrada bajo el nombre de la Virgen María. La Catedral de León está situada a 1½ km al sureste del Colegio Maristas Champagnat. Foto: Davidjimenezllanes, CC BY-SA 3.0.
El Convento de San Marcos fue un convento en León, España es hoy un parador de lujo en funcionamiento. El Convento de San Marcos está situado a 1 km al suroeste del Colegio Maristas Champagnat. Foto: Josemanuel, CC BY-SA 3.0.
La Basílica de San Isidoro de León es una iglesia de León, España, situada en el emplazamiento de un antiguo templo romano. La Basílica de San Isidoro está situada a 1¼ km al sur del Colegio Maristas Champagnat. Foto: Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 3.0.
salamanca santísima trinidad private school
Pedagogical innovation, excellent academic results. An educational reference for the high academic and human level achieved by our students, Arturo Soria is a different school, a parents’ cooperative where the participation of the families is a reality and the students are the protagonists.
Located in the heart of Madrid, one of its main objectives is to provide its students with a cultural background that allows them easy access to the University, while making their time at school as pleasant as possible. Experienced teaching staff and a strong emphasis on languages.
At Elian’s British School our objective is excellence in English for all our students. This goal goes hand in hand with our desire to foster their self-confidence, their individual talents and their ability to cooperate in an international environment.
Our program is based on active learning. While the students are the protagonists, the motivation, training and dedication of everyone involved in the center has been and continues to be fundamental. We prepare people to grow as responsible and integral individuals.