Diario el dia del mundo de baleares

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The publishing company of El Mundo is Unidad Editorial Información General, S.L.U., which is owned by Unidad Editorial, S.A., also owner of Grupo Recoletos, both of which are majority-owned by RCS MediaGroup (Rizzoli), which controls the Italian daily newspaper with the largest circulation, Corriere della Sera, and which sets the general guidelines for action.[6] On March 8, 2010, the Unidad Editorial Group, together with other publishing companies, launched Orbyt, a paid digital content platform for all the editorial products of the aforementioned companies, on the Orbyt kiosk.

On March 8, 2010, Grupo Unidad Editorial, together with other publishing companies, launched the Orbyt kiosk, a digital platform of paid content for all the editorial products of these companies, in which, in addition to having specific sections (four for El Mundo), it is also possible to consult the newspaper library of all publications, give opinions and interact with the editorial staff.

The newspaper generally supported the government of José María Aznar. However, it questioned some of his actions, [citation needed] especially those that could favor PRISA – since the period of Felipe González, the two had become rivals. El Mundo also seriously criticized the Iraq War.[11] El Mundo also criticized the Iraq War.

Newspaper of ibiza

Vicente Ribas Prats presides the celebration of the Eucharist in the Cathedral of IbizaComentaThe new bishop of Pitiusas, who received yesterday the Episcopal Ordination, presides for the first time the Holy Mass in the Cathedral of Ibiza.

CultureThe culture of Ibiza turns to help the victims of La Palma “I feel fortunate to belong to a guild that when you always need to lend a hand does so by taking time out of time and without asking anything in return”. This is how the comedian, actor and director José Boto was yesterday.

IbizaThe voice of Woody Allen with an Ibizan accentThe Catalan actor Joan Pera will star alongside Miquel Montoro, Antonio de la Cruz and an Ibizan cast in the new film by Héctor Escandell and Pauxa Films.

Last minute mallorca

child-774063_1920MEMBER ENTITIESsocial-work-2356026_1920DO VOLUNTEERING! Request more information about the world of volunteering and its entitiesnewspapers-3488861_1920VOLUNTEERING SEARCHFind your entity and the program where you would like to contribute.learning-1579925_1920TRAININGFor volunteer organizations and individuals

Nov 25, 2021 Events on the occasion of International Volunteer Day 2021 The General Assembly of the United Nations on December 17, 1985 agreed that December 5 should be celebrated worldwide as International Volunteer Day, to contribute to and raise awareness of the importance of…

Oct 15, 2021 Roundtable “Volunteering and forms of social participation”. We will talk about the importance of all forms of social participation, with special emphasis on volunteering. And how these transform our society. Participants:…

Sep 22, 2021 Roundtable “The Challenges of the SDGs in Volunteering “On September 25, 2015, world leaders adopted a set of global goals to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new vision for…

Ultima hora mallorca sucesos hoy

Este proyecto consiste en un archivo formado por varios periódicos españoles que durante finales de los años 30 y principios de los 40 han publicado en su portada una celebración del cumpleaños de Hitler. Estas cabeceras siguen vigentes en la actualidad.

En relación directa con este archivo, se ha realizado una edición facsímil del periódico Baleares del 21 de abril de 1942, encartada en el periódico dBalears (su nombre actual) del 21 de abril de 2010, que publicó en su portada la celebración del cumpleaños de Hitler el día anterior. En ambos proyectos el periódico actúa como un puente que une dos puntos en el tiempo, funcionando como enlace entre el pasado de la historia política del país y el presente, cuando la herencia ideológica franquista es reivindicada por un amplio espectro de la sociedad española.