Atresmedia el tiempo entre costuras

El tiempo entre las costuras online

Sira Quiroga es una joven y atractiva costurera que vive una vida humilde en Madrid con su madre soltera Dolores. Durante un festival conoce a Ignacio, un aspirante a caballero que opta a un puesto en la administración pública española. Comienzan una relación y pronto deciden casarse. Mientras tanto, el negocio de doña Manuela va mal y no le queda más remedio que cerrar la tienda, dejando a todas las costureras, incluidas Sira y su madre, en el paro y dependiendo totalmente del prestigioso puesto de funcionario de Ignacio. Sira se queda en el paro hasta que Ignacio la convence para que se presente a un puesto de funcionaria, pero para ello debe aprender a utilizar una máquina de escribir.

En la tienda de máquinas de escribir se enamora del apuesto Ramiro Arribas, lo que la pone en un aprieto. Al cabo de un tiempo, incapaz de sobrellevar la culpa de casarse con Ignacio, le cuenta que ha estado viendo a Ramiro. A Ignacio se le rompe el corazón. Le cuenta a Dolores la traición de Sira y su madre la repudia. Sira se va a vivir con Ramiro. Al cabo de unos meses, Dolores encuentra a Sira con la noticia de que su padre, perdido hace tiempo, ha pedido verla. Lo visitan juntas y Sira descubre que su padre es uno de los hombres más ricos de Madrid, Gonzalo Álvarez. Cuando éste la colma de joyas y dinero, Sira comparte su nueva fortuna con Ramiro, que le propone invertir parte del dinero en una empresa de mecanografía en Argentina. Sus inversiones les llevan a Tánger, Marruecos. Sira deja atrás a su madre y da un salto de fe para partir hacia África con Ramiro.

El tiempo entre costuras chapter 1

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El tiempo entre costuras season 2

This series tells the love story of a seamstress, Sira Quiroga, who decides to leave everything shortly before the Civil War and go to an exotic and unknown country to be with her great love. So she settles in Tangier. Alone, in an unknown place and with a broken heart, she will have to manage to get ahead and fight for her life. She will create a new identity for herself and as time goes by she will be involved in an espionage plot during the Second World War.

One of the aspects that fans of this series may remember is that the actor Rubén Cortada had to be dubbed to play Ramiro Arribas. This made the character a bit creaky, as he was one of the hooks of the series, but his character lasted two episodes. The characterization of Beigbeder’s character (Tristán Ulloa) was so successful that the actor himself admitted that he was surprised the first time he saw it.

On the other hand, the actor Joao Lagarto, who plays the chauffeur Joao, was shooting at the same time another film in which he could not go out with a mustache. So every day he had to film, he had to have a hair by hair moustache put on, which took 45 minutes to make it perfect!

El tiempo entre costuras watch online

If there is a series that really meant a turning point in our industry, that is El tiempo entre costuras. The leap in quality was more than evident thanks to its cinematographic packaging and a technical and production bill that was unknown until then.

A success with audiences and critics that made the series travel to more than 46 countries, helped consolidate the Series Atresmedia brand in the international market and laid the foundations for the globalization of our fiction.

Without El tiempo entre costuras, the subsequent triumph of other series such as Gran Hotel, Velvet and, of course, La casa de papel would not be understood. “El tiempo entre costuras has been a very important series in this country. It was a step forward in production, in the way of telling stories. It was an adventure that was sold in many territories,” explains the editorial director of Buendía Estudios and then director of Fiction at Atresmedia, Sonia Martínez.

“We already had the dynamic. I always say that El tiempo entre costuras was a gift and now La templaza is another gift. Javier Holgado and I were very connected with María: we would go to her house, we had a whatsapp group…. Everything was easy. For me it is the way to adapt: to count on her and to have her close. Then there are decisions to change the literary language to audiovisual, but always with her by the hand”, says López.