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The programming schedule is based on the broadcasting of microprograms of five to fifteen minutes in length that deal with science, health, economy or history topics and spaces for the analysis of current affairs with experts. There are news bulletins every thirty minutes of about 5 minutes and a summary of headlines at :15 and :45. Traffic information is offered every half hour, in connection with the Dirección General de Tráfico, and weather information with the AEMET. Sports information is expanded in the space El vestuario and international information in Cinco continentes.

There are also several magazine programs from Monday to Friday from 6:05 pm to 6:30 pm and from 9:05 pm to 9:30 pm [Note 1] -on science, culture, activism and new technologies- and at weekends throughout the day. It also broadcasts the most important plenary sessions of the Spanish Parliament and the National Lottery draws.

Radio 5’s national broadcasting is complemented by news and programs from RNE’s regional and local stations. Thus, regional information is broadcast from Monday to Friday from 7:45 to 8:00, 12:25 to 12:30, 13:10 to 14:00 and 19:50 to 20:00, while on weekends it is broadcast from 9:05 to 9:15 and from 13:30 to 14:00.

radio spain international

Regarding the programming that the station prepares for us and which we can enjoy with total freedom in Radio 5 online is a programming grid based on the emission of microprograms of five to fifteen minutes of duration that deal with topics of science, health, economy or history and spaces of analysis of the present time with experts.

There are news bulletins every thirty minutes of about 5 minutes and a summary of headlines at :15 and :45. All this from wherever you are through Radio 5 online. Every half hour, traffic information is offered, in connection with the Dirección General de Tráfico, and weather information with the AEMET. Sports information is expanded in the space El vestuario from 12:35 to 13:00, and international information from 19:05 to 20:00 in Cinco continentes.

But it doesn’t end there, follow Radio 5 online to follow various magazines about science, activism or music, or if you are interested in the plenary sessions of relevance of the Cortes Generales or the National Lottery draws.

live radio news

The Autonomous Community of La Rioja has been transferred broadcasting functions and services by the State Administration, by virtue of Royal Decree 1691/1994, of July 22, 1994, consisting of the following:

The digital radio frequencies assigned for the Autonomous Community of La Rioja, with state coverage, are included in the National Technical Plan for Digital Terrestrial Sound Broadcasting, approved by Royal Decree 1287/1999, of July 23.

Order of October 15, 2001, approving the planning of frequency blocks for local digital radio, under indirect management, corresponding to the National Technical Plan for Digital Sound Broadcasting.

radio news

The BOJA publishes the order of the Regional Ministry of Health of December 3 that sets the entry into force of this measure. It will be in force until January 15. The TSJA had rejected the use of the passport for not having “a temporal limitation of its validity”.

The vaccines will begin to arrive on December 13 and will be distributed among the communities in proportion to the child population they have. Andalusia has already announced that the vaccination will be carried out in health centers.

They are protesting against the reduction of catches that Brussels plans to approve on December 12 and 13. They assure that, if the proposal goes ahead, they will only be able to fish 10 days a month and that half of the Andalusian trawling fleet will disappear.