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Liarla pardo

La Sexta noche is a program of political debate, current affairs and events presented by José Yélamo and Verónica Sanz. In the absence of both, Hilario Pino and Antonio Pérez Lobato are in charge of the program. It has been broadcast on La Sexta since January 26, 2013.[1] On the other hand.

On the other hand, Andrea Ropero left her work in the program in 2019.[5] Thus, from the beginning of the 2019-2020 season, Verónica Sanz took over the task that Ropero had been carrying out until then.[6] The show was again organized by La Sexta noche.

La Sexta noche once again organized the second round of “La calle pregunta” with citizens of different social status, who asked questions to the leaders of Izquierda Unida, Ciudadanos-Partido de la Ciudadanía, Podemos, PSOE and PP.[12]

La Sexta noche organized, for the elections of June 26, 2016, “La familia pregunta”, with citizens of different social status, who were asking questions, this time, to the leaders of Ciudadanos-Partido de la Ciudadanía, Podemos and PSOE.[13]

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Likewise, this Saturday’s program has another no less striking novelty: Inda and Marhuenda will be outside the set of La Sexta Noche. The journalists, controversial and conservative, have been regular contributors to this space since it started in January 2013. But the management has decided, among the novelties for this season, to rotate the talk show hosts so that they are not always the same.

“I think that people, in a week or two weeks or five minutes, will realize that the program is the same”, acknowledges Verónica Sanz, who refers to the fact that the analysis and in-depth debate will continue to be present, but with a different main conductor.

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The moment occurred at the stroke of two o’clock in the morning, when the host was about to make an advertising mention and realized that the journalist was watching other things that had nothing to do with what was happening on the set. “Paco, what are you doing?” asked Yélamo without giving credit to what was happening.

“I was listening to something,” answered the tertulian, discreetly putting his wireless headphones in his pocket. “This is what I was missing: you listen to podcasts, you take notes… you do everything,” joked the presenter to the laughter of those present in the studio.

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Likewise, this Saturday’s program has another no less striking novelty: Inda and Marhuenda will be outside the set of La Sexta Noche. The journalists, controversial and conservative, have been regular contributors to this space since it started in January 2013. But the management has decided, among the novelties for this season, to rotate the talk show hosts so that they are not always the same.

“I think that people, in a week or two weeks or five minutes, will realize that the program is the same”, acknowledges Verónica Sanz, who refers to the fact that the analysis and in-depth debate will continue to be present, but with a different main conductor.