Teatro español una noche sin luna

a night without a moon madrid

UNA NOCHE SIN LUNA is a dynamic, moving and surprising piece that tells us about Lorca from a 21st century sensibility, as if Federico himself were here among us today. UNA NOCHE SIN LUNA is a play in which we approach the lesser known aspects of the life and work of Federico García Lorca.

The journey that the play proposes is not an archaeological journey but a way of getting to know our own reality through his work. In this way, the play becomes a lively, daring and dynamic piece in which Lorca’s words, his life and his world, serve as a mirror of our own.

The play includes interviews, talks and lectures by Federico García Lorca as well as fragments of his works and at the end, as a flamenco tablao, many of his poems. Through these and the dramaturgy of Juan Diego Botto, it is Lorca himself who, in the first person, brings us closer to his world.

la casa de bernarda alba

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theater in madrid

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Juan Diego Botto stars in a monologue that delves into the life of Federico García Lorca.  The piece brings us closer to the lesser known aspects of the Andalusian poet, but also seeks to discover, through his work, our own reality.

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