The host club madrid

Cats room madrid

good for dancing. What a dance marathon I had this weekend at the host. bachata to the top, very good atmosphere, I think I’ll be back for sure. The one who left the first comment, they have an academy or dancers are hired as teachers?

If you like to dance you will love it. I went last weekend to the borinquen session and I loved it. I signed up for the street dance classes, taught by Gregory Campillo, who I already knew from the dance world. Well I’m burning calories for the summer, operation bikini to the fullest.

Cool latin disco. I went the weekend and I liked it a lot, because people are passionate about dancing and it is a joy to watch them dance, besides you can dance with tranquility and no one is watching what you do.

Mon madrid

Event organizers are the ones who create and manage the events on go&dance and they are responsible for establishing a refund policy and issuing refunds, refunds are not normally possible, but if you wish, we suggest you write directly to the event organizer.

When you order tickets on go&dance, a confirmation is sent to the email address you entered when you purchased (it is not sent to the email address you may have entered when filling in the attendee details). If you haven’t received it, it may have gone to spam or you may have typed the wrong email address. In any case, don’t worry, you can go to your go&dance private area and download your tickets whenever you want.

To modify the ownership data of your tickets, go to “My Orders” in your go&dance private area. Choose the order you want to update and once inside click on “Change data”. *If this button does not appear, it means that for this event it is not possible to make changes of ownership or the deadline to do so has expired. If you see the button, after paying the change of ownership cost of your tickets, you will be able to rewrite all the data of your tickets and print them again. IMPORTANT: For data protection reasons go&dance will not send by mail the new tickets and you will have to send them manually.

Salsa classes madrid

The event organizers are the ones who create and manage the events on go&dance and they are responsible for establishing a refund policy and issuing refunds. refunds are not normally possible, but if you wish, we suggest you write directly to the event organizer.

When you order tickets on go&dance, a confirmation is sent to the email address you entered when you purchased (it is not sent to the email address you may have entered when filling in the attendee details). If you haven’t received it, it may have gone to spam or you may have typed the wrong email address. In any case, don’t worry, you can go to your go&dance private area and download your tickets whenever you want.

To modify the ownership data of your tickets, go to “My Orders” in your go&dance private area. Choose the order you want to update and once inside click on “Change data”. *If this button does not appear, it means that for this event it is not possible to make changes of ownership or the deadline to do so has expired. If you see the button, after paying the change of ownership cost of your tickets, you will be able to rewrite all the data of your tickets and print them again. IMPORTANT: For data protection reasons go&dance will not send by mail the new tickets and you will have to send them manually.

Salsabachata madrid

Event organizers are the ones who create and manage the events on go&dance and they are responsible for establishing a refund policy and issuing refunds, refunds are not normally possible, but if you wish, we suggest you write directly to the event organizer.

When you order tickets on go&dance, a confirmation is sent to the email address you entered when you purchased (it is not sent to the email address you may have entered when filling in the attendee details). If you haven’t received it, it may have gone to spam or you may have typed the wrong email address. In any case, don’t worry, you can go to your go&dance private area and download your tickets whenever you want.

To modify the ownership data of your tickets, go to “My Orders” in your go&dance private area. Choose the order you want to update and once inside click on “Change data”. *If this button does not appear, it means that for this event it is not possible to make changes of ownership or the deadline to do so has expired. If you see the button, after paying the change of ownership cost of your tickets, you will be able to rewrite all the data of your tickets and print them again. IMPORTANT: For data protection reasons go&dance will not send by mail the new tickets and you will have to send them manually.