Reparacion camaras fotograficas madrid

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During these exceptional times, our top priority is to safeguard the well-being of our customers and employees, and that means adapting the way we work in some areas. We are doing our best to anticipate, prepare and minimize any possible disruption.

With this in mind, please consider whether your repair is urgent as some courier services may also be affected. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding and support as we continue to review and address the situation. If you need assistance, calls and emails will continue to be handled as usual, so please contact us. We will update information as the situation develops.

Please note that these cleaning guidelines do not guarantee the removal of coronavirus from your devices. The efficacy of alcohol cleaning products should be verified with the manufacturer.

This form provides your chosen Authorized Service Partner with all the information necessary to analyze the product problem, repair the product if necessary, and keep you informed of the status of the repair. If you are unable to print the form, please confirm this information in a letter and send it with the product.

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In Fokus repairs we always work under budget accepted by the customer and never with closed rates, which makes us particularize each of the budgets we give, always adjusting to the damage that the appliance presents and getting the customer to pay only and exclusively for the damage you want to repair. We never work with flat rates or with closed prices without acceptance by the customer.

We invite you to visit our showcase of second hand cameras where you can admire, acquire or simply entertain yourself in a beautiful world where stories were told and memories were kept.12 months warranty on all purchases.

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During these exceptional times, our top priority is to safeguard the well-being of our customers and employees, and that means adapting the way we work in some areas. We are doing everything we can to anticipate, prepare for and minimize any potential disruption.

Our authorized Canon service partners also face similar challenges, so before sending your product in for repair, we recommend that you contact them in advance.

With this in mind, please consider whether your repair is urgent as some courier services may also be affected. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding and support as we continue to review and address the situation. If you need assistance, calls and emails will continue to be handled as usual, so please contact us. We will update information as the situation develops.

Please note that these cleaning guidelines do not guarantee the removal of coronavirus from your devices. The efficacy of alcohol cleaning products should be checked with the manufacturer.

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Tengo un problema con una pequeña mancha que aparece en mis fotos. No está en la lente frontal porque la he limpiado muchas veces. También he probado a limpiar el objetivo por dentro y a soplar suavemente en el cuerpo de la cámara.Ahora no sé muy bien qué hacer, así que escribo aquí, con la esperanza de que alguien sepa de alguna tienda de cámaras o de electrónica donde puedan arreglar esto, a poder ser por un precio bastante económico (suponiendo que sea una solución rápida).Gracias! 7 comentarioscompartirinformar100% UpvotedEntrar o registrarse para dejar un comentarioEntrarSign UpOrdenar por: mejor