English movies in madrid

doré cinema

Cine en ingles madridContenidosCine en ingles madrid onlinecine de lujo madridFirst of all, as a general rule, 95% of the cinemas you see will have dubbed movies, so I would recommend checking before buying tickets. Look for V.O. or V.O.S.E. which means original version.

In Madrid there are three Renoir cinemas. Between the three of them they screen all the films available at the time. Check beforehand because each one shows different films. One of them might be more convenient but might not show the movie you want.

movies in english

The 12 best movies to learn EnglishThroughout many articles we have been saying it: watching movies is one of the most fun, cheapest (or rather free) and effective ways to learn the English language. Of course, we are referring to watching them in English with English subtitles (no, putting them in Spanish is not an option). The same happens with the series. That’s why, back in the day, we wrote about the best series to learn English, but what are the best movies to learn English? Today we are going to see it The best movies to learn English: beginner levelHarry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (2001)

Why this is one of the best movies to improve your English: Sandy and Danny have enjoyed an incredible vacation together, but when they meet again in high school, their relationship is not the same, as Danny’s attitude has changed radically.Why this is one of the best movies to improve your English: Sandy and Danny have enjoyed an incredible vacation together, but when they meet again in high school, their relationship is not the same, as Danny’s attitude has changed radically. Its plot, dialogues and songs only make it suitable for intermediate levels, but who can resist listening to ‘Tell me more’ again? Technical data: genre: musical, romance, comedy; author: Jim Jacobs, Warren Casey; director: Randal Kleiser; main actors: John Travolta, Olivia New

english cinema madrid

Artistic Metropol is the first multi-purpose theater in the capital, offering premiere, independent, documentary, classic, re-releases, short films and cycles. It also hosts cultural events. The original version has a great prominence in its offer and, in addition, its prices are very economical, ranging between 4.5 and 7 €. For the wide repertoire of film genres offered, it is one of the cinemas in Madrid in V.O. that is worth knowing without any discussion.

luxury cinema madrid

When we choose to watch a movie or read a book dubbed or translated into our native language, we choose not to improve our English, if it is translated or dubbed from English. We choose not to improve our hearing; we choose not to improve our pronunciation or expand our English vocabulary.

A good option is to re-watch movies or read books in the original version that you have already seen or read. If you still don’t dare to watch a movie only in this language, make friends with English subtitles, they help a lot! And for the brave, without them.

Many argue that when they watch a movie with subtitles, they focus more on reading them than on the story itself, but once they get into the rhythm, they will see that there will be a time when they will not need subtitles and they can say goodbye to them, bye bye!

In our centers there is a lending service of books in English, graded at different levels, as well as a video library composed of movies in English with English subtitles, free of charge for all our students.