Inss vida laboral certificado digital

social security spain

The different screens will allow you to select and fill in the data depending on the options you choose. To finalize the application, the data entered will be displayed for you to confirm.

If the data entered in the application are correct, after clicking on “Confirm” the informative message “Operation successful” will appear, and you will be given the option to view the proof of registration in PDF format.

Once you have been registered with the Social Security, if necessary, you can apply for a TIE (in case you are a non-EU citizen) or the certificate of registration of citizens of the Union.

To find out the procedure related to obtaining the EIT or the certificate of registration of citizens of the Union, access the information on the procedures where all the details on how to obtain them are described.

You must access the simplified application form, fill it in personally and download it (TA0521.1). There are different versions of the form depending on your self-employed profile.

sede españa

En un gran número de ocasiones te pueden pedir un informe de vida laboral como extranjero en España, ya sea para acceder a un puesto de trabajo, para cobrar el paro, para la jubilación o para un trámite de inmigración. Por ello, es fundamental que conozcas bien qué es un informe de vida laboral y todas las situaciones en las que se solicita. En este artículo aprenderás todos los detalles y el procedimiento paso a paso para obtenerlo (¡y completamente gratis!).

El informe de vida laboral es un documento emitido por la Seguridad Social que contiene todas las interacciones y relaciones que has tenido con esta institución.

Como puedes ver, tu historial laboral incluye de forma detallada tu situación laboral en todo momento desde que empezaste a trabajar en el país, así como los periodos en los que has estado en paro o como autónomo.

Por ello, este documento será imprescindible para un gran número de trámites y gestiones, y te verás obligado a solicitarlo a la Administración (algo que, como veremos a continuación, es bastante sencillo).

digital certificate online

The work life report is a document issued by the General Treasury of the Social Security that shows the professional history of a person. It shows the periods in which he/she has been contributing to the INSS, as well as the registrations and cancellations whether he/she has been self-employed or employed.

Now, thanks to the new Import@ss portal service, citizens can request and download the employment history report instantly. However, they will need to have a digital certificate, electronic ID or cl@ve system.

Although requesting this report with a digital certificate is the fastest way and is recommended by the Social Security, there are three other ways to obtain it. It is possible to request the working life by cell phone, by SMS, by telephone or by filling in a form to receive it at home.

Another way is to request it by phone. To get it, call 901-502-050 from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 19:00 hours. After following a few steps, the Social Security will send the report to the indicated address.

certificado digital

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