Abc noticias el periodico en español
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On October 12, 1929, ABC de Sevilla was born, to which ABC de Madrid contributed its doctrine, texts and even the rotogravure pages. This edition, born in the death throes of Primo de Rivera’s dictatorship, would end up consolidating during the 1930s under the direction of Juan Carretero Luca de Tena.[7] Its pages have alternated in different stages with the signatures of the newspaper’s editors.
Its pages have alternated in different stages the signatures of the usual collaborators of liberal-conservative ideology (José María de Areilza, José María Pemán) with intellectuals marginalized by the Franco regime (José Luis López Aranguren, José Luis Sampedro or Ramón Pérez de Ayala; some of them ended up leaving its pages), and with collaborators of the most recalcitrant right and even extreme right, several of them anti-Semites.[11]
Among the collaborators during the 20th century were: Hilda de Toledano (literary pseudonym of María Pía de Sajonia-Coburgo Gotha y Braganza), Countess Emilia Pardo Bazán, Valle Inclán, Azorín, José María Pemán, Pedro J. Ramírez, Federico Jiménez Losantos, Carlos Luis Álvarez (under the pseudonym of Cándido), Jaime Campmany, Julián Marías or César Alonso de los Ríos. In the humor section, Antonio Mingote and José Luis Martín Mena collaborated until their deaths. During the 1920s and 1930s, the cartoonist and caricaturist Joaquín Xaudaró collaborated,[40] as well as Ricardo García López “K-Hito” and Pedro Antonio Villahermosa “Sileno”;[41] and after the civil war, Paco Ugalde.[42]
the confidential
The Press Association of Malaga (APM) has delivered this Tuesday its Medals of Honor of the Journalist to Julián Quirós Monago, director of ABC, Marina Fernández Espinosa, head of the Communication Unit of the Regional University Hospital of Malaga, for their professional careers, and to the Professional Union of Health Workers of Malaga (Uprosama) for the work during the pandemic of the health collective, which it has represented.
Turismo Costa del Sol has organized a familiarization trip together with the City Council of Marbella (Malaga) to promote the main attractions of the area to national journalists including Mundo viajes, El Giroscopio viajero, Travel blogger & Photographer, Con Mucha Gula magazine and ABC Viajar.
BBK and the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum reactivate this summer its artistic dissemination program ‘La Ruta del Arte BBK/Artearen Ibilbidea’ with a new proposal on the museum’s permanent collection inspired by the exhibition ‘ABC. El alfabeto del Museo de Bilbao’ (ABC. The Alphabet of the Museum of Bilbao), designed by Kirmen Uribe.
news from spain today: latest news
On October 12, 1929, ABC de Sevilla was born, to which ABC de Madrid contributed its doctrine, texts and even the rotogravure pages. This edition, born in the death throes of Primo de Rivera’s dictatorship, would end up consolidating during the 1930s under the direction of Juan Carretero Luca de Tena.[7] Its pages have alternated in different stages during the last few years.
Its pages have alternated in different stages the signatures of the usual collaborators of liberal-conservative ideology (José María de Areilza, José María Pemán) with intellectuals marginalized by the Franco regime (José Luis López Aranguren, José Luis Sampedro or Ramón Pérez de Ayala; some of them ended up leaving its pages), and with collaborators of the most recalcitrant right and even extreme right, several of them anti-Semitic.[11]
Among the collaborators during the 20th century were: Hilda de Toledano (literary pseudonym of María Pía de Sajonia-Coburgo Gotha y Braganza), Countess Emilia Pardo Bazán, Valle Inclán, Azorín, José María Pemán, Pedro J. Ramírez, Federico Jiménez Losantos, Carlos Luis Álvarez (under the pseudonym of Cándido), Jaime Campmany, Julián Marías or César Alonso de los Ríos. In the humor section, Antonio Mingote and José Luis Martín Mena collaborated until their deaths. During the 1920s and 1930s, the cartoonist and caricaturist Joaquín Xaudaró collaborated,[40] as well as Ricardo García López “K-Hito” and Pedro Antonio Villahermosa “Sileno”;[41] and after the civil war, Paco Ugalde.[42]
the spanish
On October 12, 1929, ABC de Sevilla was born, to which ABC de Madrid contributed its doctrine, texts and even the rotogravure pages. This edition, born in the death throes of Primo de Rivera’s dictatorship, would end up consolidating during the 1930s under the direction of Juan Carretero Luca de Tena.[7] Its pages have alternated in different stages with the signatures of the authors.
Its pages have alternated in different stages the signatures of the usual collaborators of liberal-conservative ideology (José María de Areilza, José María Pemán) with intellectuals marginalized by the Franco regime (José Luis López Aranguren, José Luis Sampedro or Ramón Pérez de Ayala; some of them ended up leaving its pages), and with collaborators of the most recalcitrant right and even extreme right, several of them anti-Semites.[11]
Among the collaborators during the 20th century were: Hilda de Toledano (literary pseudonym of María Pía de Sajonia-Coburgo Gotha y Braganza), Countess Emilia Pardo Bazán, Valle Inclán, Azorín, José María Pemán, Pedro J. Ramírez, Federico Jiménez Losantos, Carlos Luis Álvarez (under the pseudonym of Cándido), Jaime Campmany, Julián Marías or César Alonso de los Ríos. In the humor section, Antonio Mingote and José Luis Martín Mena collaborated until their deaths. During the 1920s and 1930s, the cartoonist and caricaturist Joaquín Xaudaró collaborated,[40] as well as Ricardo García López “K-Hito” and Pedro Antonio Villahermosa “Sileno”;[41] and after the civil war, Paco Ugalde.[42]