Telefonica net correo electronico


Las cuentas de correo electrónico son una especie de DNI digital . Las utilizamos para hacer casi todo en las redes. Puede que su función original fuera la de enviar y recibir mensajes, que luego se amplió a recibir y enviar archivos, algo fundamental para las empresas. Pero, a día de hoy, van mucho más allá.

Para entrar y utilizar una tienda online, o incluso para contactar con un negocio si quieres solicitar sus servicios o productos, debes introducir un correo electrónico que actuará como identidad en dicho portal online. De este modo, tiene la posibilidad de introducir una cuenta de usuario en la que se recoge toda la información necesaria y los responsables de la web pueden determinar su identidad incluso parcialmente.

Muchas empresas han optado por facilitar el correo electrónico a sus clientes, porque ya son un elemento vital para un buen tráfico en Internet, de hecho son incluso necesarios para entrar en las redes sociales. Y, aunque lo habitual es recurrir a las soluciones de Outlook, de gmail o incluso de Yahoo! , aquí vamos a hablar de una propuesta algo diferente y más profesional. Te vamos a explicar cómo crear una cuenta de correo electrónico de Movistar.

Movistar plus

For the folders to be synchronized with the mail managers you must configure the accounts with the IMAP protocol and subscribe the folders that you want to synchronize, to synchronize the folders you must carry out the following steps:

In the webmail ( options button (3 parallel horizontal lines on the right) > Configuration > Mail > Change IMAP subscriptions > Choose there via checkbox tree the ones you want to synchronize in the mail manager.

The accounts of, or do not have a Backup service to be able to recover the mails, if the mail account had it configured in the mail manager and has lost the mails, they cannot be recovered.

We keep the information that is stored within Webmail (, so any information that is not reflected in Webmail means that we do not have it on our servers and we can not recover it.

NOTE: All folders take up space, so if you have space problems you should check each Webmail folder and empty the recycle garbage can to free up space in the mail account quota.

Telefonica intranet

For the folders to be synchronized with the mail managers, you must configure the accounts with the IMAP protocol and subscribe the folders that you wish to synchronize, to synchronize the folders you must carry out the following steps:

In the webmail ( options button (3 parallel horizontal lines on the right) > Configuration > Mail > Change IMAP subscriptions > Choose there via checkboxes tree the ones you want to synchronize in the mail manager.

We keep the information that is stored inside Webmail (, so any information that is not reflected in Webmail means that we do not have it on our servers and cannot retrieve it.

NOTE: All folders take up space, so if you have space problems you should check each Webmail folder and empty the recycle garbage can to free up space in the mail account quota.

To create an absence notice for email from Webmail ( go to Options button (3 parallel horizontal lines on the right) > Settings > Mail > Absence notice.

Telefonica outlook

But Telefónica closed the service in 2013. Since then you can no longer create accounts, or, although it is possible to continue using them normally, if you created one at the time.

The way to access Movistar Mail or Mail in 2021 is through webmail on any device, or by setting up an email account in Gmail, Windows Mail or similar. We will explain how to do it.

IMAP: The emails you download are not deleted from the server (you must do it manually from the webmail), and are synchronized between several devices. Another advantage is that you can organize your mails in folders.

Open the Windows 10 Mail app. Tap on the Nut icon (Settings), go to Manage accounts, and choose Add Account. Enter all that it offers, select Other POP, IMAP account: