Ruralvia movil grupo caja rural

Ruralvía contact

If you are not yet a user of ruralvía, the first thing you should do is to contact your usual office by phone or email and they will inform you how to register, once they verify your identity. You can check the details of your office here.

Ruralvía mobile is the ruralvía app, available for Android and iOS. Through the app you can perform the most frequent operations, such as making transfers, processing the payment of bills, controlling the spending of your cards, locating offices or ATMs, consulting stock market operations, etc… all without having to go to an office and enjoying maximum security and confidentiality. activate card

Ruralvía Móvil is one of the star applications for customers of Grupo Caja Rural entities. This mobile app allows customers to perform frequent operations with their entity, from any Android or Apple device. This can be summarized as being able to make transfers, process bill payments, control credit card spending, locate the nearest branches or ATMs, consult stock market operations, etc… all without having to go to a branch and enjoying maximum security and confidentiality.

If you want to send money to someone or to an ATM to withdraw cash from that ATM, DIMO is the service available for customers of Grupo Caja Rural entities. From ruralvía or from the mobile application, without the need to have a card, the sender only has to identify himself and issue an order from his current account. Through an SMS, the beneficiary obtains a password on his cell phone and only has to enter it in the ATM to withdraw cash.

Ruralvía app

From the Services/Virtual Mailbox option you will find any document quickly. Just choose the account you want to see your information, filter by date and if you wish, even by type of statement.

It is the mobile banking of your Caja Rural, which allows you to consult and operate in your accounts through your smartphone or tablet.From the ruralvía mobile app you can perform your most frequent operations at any time and from anywhere.

From your smartphone or tablet you can perform your most frequent operations, such as checking the balance of your accounts and cards, make transfers and transfers, manage your receipts, or check your correspondence online. You will also be able to know the position of your securities portfolio, buy or sell shares and locate the nearest branches or ATMs, whenever you need to.

Ruralvía particular

Nuestras magnitudes de grupo se comparan favorablemente con las de cualquier gran grupo bancario español, pero que además ofrece un nivel de seguridad adicional (único en España): un fondo de solidaridad con patrimonio separado destinado a ayudar a los socios en caso de solicitar un fortalecimiento financiero.

El Sistema Institucional de Protección (SIP) de Grupo Caja Rural es un sistema institucional de protección de los previstos en el artículo 113.7 del Reglamento 575/2013 (RRC), con mecanismos específicos de solvencia y liquidez adaptados a la naturaleza de las cajas cooperativas.