Rdl 1 2007 de 16 de noviembre
lssi spain
In order to identify the rules subject to recasting, the list in the Annex to Directive 98/27/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, of May 19, 1998, on injunctions for the protection of the interests of consumers and users has been considered, which identifies the Community provisions enacted on the protection of consumers and users, and, consequently, the transposition rules with respect to which the appropriateness of their incorporation into the recast text must be examined.
Analyzed in the annex to the aforementioned directive, the rules for transposition of the Community directives which, dictated in matters of consumer and user protection, affect the contractual aspects regulated in Law 26/1984, of July 19, 1984, General for the Defense of Consumers and Users, and which establish the legal regime of certain modalities of contracting with consumers, namely: contracts concluded at a distance and those concluded outside commercial establishments, are included in the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws.
civil code
For the identification of the rules subject to recasting, the list of the Annex to Directive 98/27/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, of May 19, 1998, on injunctions for the protection of the interests of consumers and users has been considered, which identifies the Community provisions issued in the field of consumer and user protection, and, consequently, the transposition rules with respect to which the appropriateness of their incorporation into the recast text must be examined.
Analyzed in the annex to the aforementioned directive, the rules for transposition of the Community directives which, dictated in matters of consumer and user protection, affect the contractual aspects regulated in Law 26/1984, of July 19, 1984, General for the Defense of Consumers and Users, and which establish the legal regime of certain modalities of contracting with consumers, namely: contracts concluded at a distance and those concluded outside commercial establishments, are included in the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws.
civil procedure act
Preliminary Draft Bill amending the Consolidated Text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, to specify the scope of the control of the abusive nature of the clauses.
On April 5, 1993, Council Directive 93/13/EEC of April 5, 1993, on unfair terms in consumer contracts was approved. Article 4.2 of Council Directive 91/13/EEC, in its Spanish version, states that the assessment of the unfairness of terms shall not relate to the definition of the main subject matter of the contract or to the adequacy between price and remuneration, on the one hand, or to the services or goods to be provided as consideration, on the other hand, provided that such terms are drafted in a clear and comprehensible manner”.
Article 8 of Council Directive 91/13/EEC, for its part, establishes the minimum harmonization nature of the rule by allowing the Member States to adopt or maintain stricter provisions in the field covered by the Directive which are compatible with the Treaty, in order to ensure a higher level of protection for the consumer.
civil code spanish
Texto refundido de la ley general para la defensa de los consumidores y usuarios RDL 1/2007.Spanish consolidated text of the general law for the protection of consumers and users RDL 1/2007.Este tipo de arrendamientos deben respetar la ley general para la defensa de los consumidores y usuarios. Este tipo de arrendamientos deben respetar la ley general para la defensa de los consumidores y usuarios.Consultar ley general para la defensa de los consumidores y usuarios y otras leyes complementarias en el siguiente link.Consultar la ley general para la defensa de los consumidores y usuarios y otras leyes complementarias en el siguiente link. Las garantías y servicios postventa se regirán por el realdecreto legislativo 1/2007 que aprueba el texto de la ley general para la defensa de los consumidores y usuarios.Warranty and after-sales services are based on realdecreto legislativo 1/2007 approving the text of the general law for the defense of consumers and users. Ley 3/2014, de 27 de marzo, por la que se modifica el texto refundido de la ley general para la defensa de los consumidores y usuarios y otras leyes complementarias, aprobado por el real decreto legislativo 1/2007, de 16 de noviembre.Ley 3/2014, de 27 de marzo, por la que se modifica el texto refundido de la ley general para la defensa de los consumidores y usuarios, y otras leyes complementarias, aprobado por el real decreto-ley 1/2007, de 16 de noviembre.