Obra social la caixa barcelona

Obra social la caja pisos

Es la fundación privada más grande de Cataluña, la segunda de Europa y la quinta del mundo por volumen de facturación (500 millones de euros en 2009), según los datos del European Foundation Centre[2].

Comenzó en 1982, con un presupuesto de 368.000 euros y la asignación de 34 becas por año a los Estados Unidos. De mica en mica, se ha ido incrementando progresivamente el número de cuentas hasta las 207 del año 2007. Actualmente cuenta con un presupuesto de 10 millones de euros y una inversión acumulada de 85 millones de euros.

La Fundación organizó las primeras grandes exposiciones de arte que tuvieron lugar en Barcelona en los años 80. Con una función claramente alfabetizadora, y que cobró mancances institucionales. Algunos de los artistas más destacados de su colección son Joseph Beuys, que de hecho marca una de las líneas de la colección.[3] El 2011 se firmó un acuerdo de colaboración con el MACBA. Entre sus fondos destacan nombres como Antoni Abad, Ignasi Aballí, Massimo Bartoloni, Erwin Bechtold, Jean-Michel Basquiat y David Bestué, etc.[3]

Obra social la caixa employment

Obra Social La Caixa allocated 3.5 million euros in 2019 to 141 social projects in Catalonia, which helped improve the living conditions of more than 64,000 people in a situation or at risk of vulnerability.

The president of the La Caixa Foundation, Isidre Fainé, stressed that social inclusion and equal opportunities are two priority axes of the projects promoted by the entity: “They are two key objectives,” he stressed.

The aid granted through the different social calls has directly benefited people with disabilities, people in the aging process or in a situation of dependency or illness; people in a situation or at risk of social exclusion, and immigrants or people in vulnerable contexts of cultural diversity.

Obra Social La Caixa has opened the first of the six social calls for 2020, the one dedicated to the promotion of personal autonomy and attention to aging, disability and illness, with a budget of 4.5 million euros.


This is the entity resulting from the transformation of Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona (La Caixa) into a banking foundation, carried out in 2014 to comply with the Law on Savings Banks and Banking Foundations (Law 26/2013, of December 27).[2] Its mission is to manage the social and cultural work inherited from the savings bank.

In November 2006, the Board of Directors of La Caixa approved the IPO of its portfolio of investees, through the company Criteria CaixaCorp, which became effective on October 10, 2007.

At the same time, in July 2011, another subsidiary of the group was created, in this case wholly owned by La Caixa, called Criteria CaixaHolding, which would not be listed on the stock exchange and would bring together the less attractive holdings in the stock market, such as real estate services (Servihábitat) and industrial holdings (Gas Natural Fenosa, Abertis…) and in PortAventura World.

On April 10, 2014, it was announced that at the ordinary general meeting on May 22 it would be decided to transform it into a banking foundation in order to comply with the Law on Savings Banks and Banking Foundations, which requires that savings banks with indirect banking activity should be liquidated and transformed into foundations, which would be responsible for managing the social work. This would entail a process of reorganization of the group, which would involve, on the one hand, the dissolution and liquidation of the La Caixa Foundation and, on the other hand, the transfer to Criteria CaixaHolding (100% owned by La Caixa) of the stake in CaixaBank.[10] This would also entail the transfer to Criteria CaixaHolding of the stake in CaixaBank.

Caixaforum barcelonaart gallery in barcelona, spain

The impact of these projects reached a total of 59,364 beneficiaries of the projects selected by “la Caixa” Welfare Projects through the Program of Grants for Social Initiatives Projects promoted annually by the entity and distributed in six social calls: promotion of personal autonomy and attention to aging, disability and disease; fight against child poverty and social exclusion; housing for social inclusion; social and labor insertion; interculturality and social action; and social action in rural areas.

la Caixa” Welfare Projects reissues its commitment to the Program of Aid for Social Initiatives Projects 2020, whose first call, promoting personal autonomy and attention to aging, disability and illness, has already been formally announced with a budget of 4.5 million euros. The following grants will be called in three installments: on February 10, applications will be open for the calls for the fight against child poverty and social exclusion and social action in rural areas; on March 30, for temporary housing for social inclusion and social and labor insertion; and on May 11, for interculturality and social action.