Herrera en la onda en directo

onda zero direct

Rubén Amón questions in his seven and a half questions the answers of Mariano Rajoy to Carlos Alsina, the release of Juana Rivas, the meeting of Yolanda Díaz with the Pope and the energy crisis.

The president of the Hydrographic Confederation of the Ebro, María Dolores Pascual, explains the situation of the flooding of the river as it passes through Aragón and the actions that are being carried out to protect the towns near the river.

In this Cultureta Gran Reserva, we celebrate the good audience data of the EGM and Rubén Amón, Isabel Vázquez, Guillermo Altares, Rosa Belmonte and Sergio del Molino make their assessments on the adjective “quixotic”.

cope online

Rubén Amón questions in his seven and a half questions the answers of Mariano Rajoy to Carlos Alsina, the release of Juana Rivas, the meeting of Yolanda Díaz with the Pope and the energy crisis.

The president of the Hydrographic Confederation of the Ebro, María Dolores Pascual, explains the situation of the flooding of the river as it passes through Aragón and the actions that are being carried out to protect the towns near the river.

In this Cultureta Gran Reserva, we celebrate the good audience data of the EGM and Rubén Amón, Isabel Vázquez, Guillermo Altares, Rosa Belmonte and Sergio del Molino make their assessments on the adjective “quixotic”.

herrera at cope

In parallel, Carlos Alsina continues to burn stages in a plan that began at the same time that Herrera left Onda Cero in 2015. No one believes that today, Alsina will dispute Herrera’s throne, but all sources consulted agree that he is on the right path and that in the medium term he will become the “most influential of his generation”, as a radio executive tells this newspaper.

“And the European one?” a troubled Rajoy asked Alsina. The president preferred to close the debate and change the subject in a rushed manner when he realized he was not right. Alsina demonstrated in a short time that he is one of the best prepared interviewers, placing politicians in front of the mirror of their own contradictions. “Few are the interviewees who submit to the journalist’s questions and who do not give two or three headlines to the agencies, digital, TV and newspapers the next day”, says a radio manager who knows him closely.

With this positioning, the first step of the plan had already been fulfilled: stabilize the drop in audiences after Herrera’s departure and start making media noise. In April 2018, it was decided that Alsina would present the entire program alone, the second part of the plan and a new challenge that asked him to expand his register towards the magacin, a terrain also in which Carlos Herrera feels very comfortable.

cadena ser

In parallel, Carlos Alsina continues to burn stages in a plan that began at the same time that Herrera left Onda Cero in 2015. No one believes that today, Alsina will dispute Herrera’s throne, but all sources consulted agree that he is on the right path and that in the medium term he will become the “most influential of his generation”, as a radio executive tells this newspaper.

“And the European one?” a troubled Rajoy asked Alsina. The president preferred to close the debate and change the subject in a rushed manner when he realized he was not right. Alsina demonstrated in a short time that he is one of the best prepared interviewers, placing politicians in front of the mirror of their own contradictions. “Few are the interviewees who submit to the journalist’s questions and who do not give two or three headlines to the agencies, digital, TV and newspapers the next day”, says a radio manager who knows him closely.

With this positioning, the first step of the plan had already been fulfilled: stabilize the drop in audiences after Herrera’s departure and start making media noise. In April 2018, it was decided that Alsina would present the entire program alone, the second part of the plan and a new challenge that asked him to expand his register towards the magacin, a terrain also in which Carlos Herrera feels very comfortable.