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The best way to choose a mortgage is to know what you want or need and analyze different options. Your bank is a good option, because you know them and they know you better and, in most cases, they can offer you the best deals. Although it is usual that, since it is a very important financial operation, you also consult the conditions in other entities.

The payment of the amount corresponding to the chosen promotion will be paid into the account associated with the plan on February 3, 2022. The amount paid is considered income subject to personal income tax in accordance with the tax legislation in force at the time of payment and the net amount will be credited to the account after the appropriate tax withholding.

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If you are looking for information about Univia savings account, you are on the right page! If you read today’s post about Univia from Unicaja you will discover its features, and how this checking account for individuals works.

Univia offers its customers a wide variety of financial services and products capable of meeting the needs of all its customers. Its objective is to provide high quality services that generate profits for its users.

This interest is paid on a monthly basis. As for the rest of the conditions, this account does not require you to have a certain minimum balance to be able to contract it. You will only need to have a linked account with Unicaja in order to obtain this remunerated Univia account.

It is a savings account associated to a current account. It is a free account with no issue or opening fees or administration fees. In addition, we highlight as a great advantage that it has monthly interest settlement. What does this mean? It means that in addition to being a banking product, this account is an investment, since it generates money with your savings and without generating additional costs. It is all advantages!

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Esta información describe el riesgo del Plan de Pensiones y puede variar con el tiempo. Está calculada en base a datos simulados que, sin embargo, no pueden considerarse como una indicación fiable del perfil de riesgo futuro del Plan. La información del perfil de riesgo de cada Plan está disponible en el Catálogo de Planes de Pensiones de Unicaja Banco. La escala de riesgo de los planes de pensiones promovidos va del 1 al 7.

El cobro de la pensión o el ejercicio del derecho de rescate sólo es posible en el caso de que se produzca alguna de las contingencias o supuestos excepcionales de liquidez regulados en la normativa de Planes y Fondos de Pensiones.

Nuestros gestores le ayudarán a elegir la inversión que mejor se adapte a sus objetivos. Aceptar un mayor nivel de riesgo es necesario para tener la posibilidad de obtener una mayor rentabilidad. Las rentabilidades pasadas no son indicativas de resultados futuros.

En Unicaja Banco seguimos trabajando para ayudarte a resolver tus dudas y necesidades a raíz de esta pandemia. Aquí encontrarás información sobre todo lo que estamos haciendo para facilitarte el día a día y te animamos a que utilices nuestro servicio de Banca Digital para tus operaciones cotidianas. Seguimos a tu lado las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana.

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This data is indicative of the risk of the Pension Plan and may vary over time. It is calculated based on simulated data which, however, may not be a reliable indication of the future risk profile of the Plan. Information on the risk profile of each Plan is available in Unicaja Banco’s Pension Plan Catalog.  The risk scale of the promoted pension plans ranges from 1 to 7.

The collection of the benefit or the exercise of the right of redemption is only possible in the event of the occurrence of any of the contingencies or exceptional cases of liquidity regulated in the Pension Plans and Funds regulations.

The value of mobilization rights, benefits and exceptional liquidity events depends on the market value of the Pension Fund’s assets and can lead to significant losses.

Our managers help you choose the investment that best suits your objectives. In order to have the possibility of higher returns, it is necessary to take higher risks. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.